Materials, Acquisitions, & Distribution
About Us
Facilities Services is responsible for properly disposing of old computer units. We pick up your old computers, take them to the IT Department for "sanitizing", and dispose of them according to state regulations for a small fee (approximately $5.00 per computer unit). This fee helps to cover the cost of transporting and storing these units at our offsite storage facility. To dispose of old furniture and computers, all you have to do is submit a work request. Fill out all the information on the work order form (including a valid department speedtype) with problem type as "Materials, Acquisitions, and Distributions (Surplus)"; specify exactly what needs to be picked up and exactly where it is located, and within two weeks we will be on our way! If you have questions about the computer disposal process, feel free to call us at x3313.
If you are in need of another bookshelf, chair, or maybe some sort of table or desk, you can also request these items through the work order system. Problem type is also "Materials, Acquisitions, and Distributions (Surplus)"; and let us know exactly what you are looking for in the Description area. Make sure to include specific contact information. We will check to see if we have something like what is requested in storage or even make an appointment with you to travel to the offsite storage to search for the item.
- Event Services Support
- Furniture & office moves
- Surplus Property Management Surplus Storage Disposal Form or SSD
- Furniture Repair
- Elevator Services
- Service Contract Management
When help is needed for an event there are several campus departments involved depending on the type of event.
- For Auxiliary services related events, call UC Scheduling to reserve tables and chairs. The UC scheduler will submit a work request to facilities services online for transportation of tables and chairs to and from event site.
- For events in general fund buildings, Westlawn and any non-auxiliary spaces, call Facilities at x3313.
If you are planning to move, please submit a work request and notate your move request details within the "request" field. Also mention the location you are going from and to, a point of contact, reliable phone number along with preferred date/time in the description box. Facilities personnel will contact you to confirm it.
Desks and file cabinets need to be emptied into boxes and labeled. Facilities personnel do not pack your boxes. If you are needing moving boxes, please submit a work request and the MAD (Surplus) team will try to accommodate your request.