Lance Hanks and Shal DeLuna are our academic and administrative building custodial team supervisors. Logan McIntyre supervises our auxiliary custodial services team and Laurie Martin is our acting supervisor for our student housing custodial team. Our general custodian staffing hours are 4:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm. and evening custodian hours are from 1:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Auxiliary custodial services provide service to Housing and all Auxiliary buildings between the hours of 4:00 am to 10:30 pm.
Custodial Services Provided:
- Restrooms
- Classrooms
- Laboratories
- Walkways
- Common Areas (Kitchens, Breakrooms, Copy Rooms, Hallways, Lobbies)
- Snow/Ice mitigation etc...
Note: Custodians are responsible for hand snow shoveling walkways around their assigned buildings. This additional duty takes them away from their interior duties. During inclement weather our staff performs the following duties in the following order: Snow shoveling, restroom cleaning, classroom cleaning, public area cleaning, and if time allows then they start on laboratories and finally offices. This may mean that these latter space types are skipped for the week.
Shal DeLuna Buildings Supervised: Campus Services Building, Main Hall, Cragmoor, Academic Office Building, Centennial Hall, Osborne Center, Columbine Hall, Dwire, Engineering, Sustainability Demonstration House, Forester, Innovation House, University Hall, and University Office Park.
Lance Hanks Buildings Supervised: West Campus - Ent Center, HYBL Center, Lane Center, ROTC Modulars, Mountain Lion Field House, Mountain Lion Stadium, Mountain Lion Park, and Heller facilities.
Logan McIntyre Buildings Supervised: All Auxiliary buildings (Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center, UC & Gallogly Events Center, Family Development Center, Gateway, UCCS Farm, Kettle Creek & Roaring Fork and Housing Conference rooms & Classrooms.
Laurie Martin Buildings Supervised: Housing: Copper/Eldora, Summit Village, Alpine Village, Cucharas, La Plata, San Juan, Cucharas meeting rooms.
Cleaning Services Details:
***Due to a reduction in labor the Custodial Department has transitioned from Zone Cleaning to Team Cleaning in academic & administrative buildings. A custodian is no longer assigned to a single floor within a building. They are now working in teams and are assigned several buildings to clean. Changes in cleaning frequencies have also occurred. Classrooms will be the team's first priority so classrooms are cleaned before morning classes begin. Restrooms will be cleaned starting at 9 am with a refresh cleaning done at 12 pm before shift changes.***
UCCS OFFICES: Will be cleaned two times per month on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. This entails emptying office trash and vacuuming. Custodian staff cannot clean any surfaces with personal or work items (i.e., laptops, paperwork, décor, books, etc.) If individuals need desk side trash/recycling containers emptied more than two times per month, we ask that office personnel (faculty and staff) empty their own desk side trash/recycling containers into a larger common area container. Common areas where office trash/recycling can be emptied include kitchens, breakrooms, copy rooms, hallway, restrooms.
COMMON AREAS & RESTROOMS: (Kitchens, Breakrooms, Copy Rooms, Hallways, Restrooms, etc.) Will be cleaned and trash/recycling removed daily (M-F).
CLASSROOMS: Will be cleaned daily (M-F). All trash and recycling containers (except for "Wipes Only" containers) have been removed from the classrooms and relocated to hallway areas. We ask that faculty and/or staff instruct students to dispose of their personal trash/recycling in the hallway containers. Trash should not be placed in the classroom podiums. Trash/recycling containers have been moved to hallways so custodial staff can empty containers at any time during their shift without interrupting classes. Also, this should alleviate any food odor issues in the classrooms we have encountered in the past.
WHITEBOARDS: Custodians will erase whiteboards located in classrooms and conferences rooms daily (M-F). Trays will be cleaned as needed, erasers and markers will be supplied as usual. We ask that faculty and staff write "SAVE" on the board if they do not want their whiteboard to be erased. Please do not use the Oxivir cleaner in the classrooms to clean boards. ONLY whiteboard cleaner or water.
ADDITIONAL COMMON AREA CONTAINERS: Additional common area trash and recycling containers have been placed in all buildings. If we missed an area that needs additional containers, please let us know by submitting a work order with details of the location.
WORK ORDERS: If cleaning or maintenance assistance is needed, please submit your work order at https://uccs-isd.webtma.net. If working remotely you must be signed in to VPN. For the fastest response we request that you enter a work request so we can assign it to the appropriate teams and get it scheduled in their work queue. We ask that you give our teams 30 days from the request date to complete work requests.