Established in January 2006, the primary function of the Landscape Committee is to promote suitable landscapes on the campus and develop recommendations for landscape planning, implementation, and maintenance. This committee advocates the creation and support of sustainable campus landscapes that serve as living laboratories to educate our entire community about landscaping best practices. This committee identifies areas for natural landscaping, xeriscaping and formal landscaping while considering appearance, initial implementation and cost, as well as ongoing costs for water use and maintenance.
Completed Projects
- Replanting of Columbine Hall beds with low-water perennials instead of annuals.
- Replanting of Columbine Hall trees with better drainage and drought-tolerant species.
- Educational signage project for 25 trees and plants.
- Committee input into design of new campus roundabouts emphasizing xeric plants.
- Purchase of new greenhouse to allow growing campus flowers from seed.
- Committee design input on new landscape at Department of Public Safety that was implemented in the spring of 2007.
- Completed new campus map
- Developed a Memorial Tree Policy
- New decorative pedestrian spine.
- New exterior directional signage.
- West Lawn project
- Xeriscape Demonstration Garden behind Centennial Hall
- East Campus Micro Master Plan
- Austin Bluffs/Nevada entry signage
Carolyn Fox
Staff/Executive Director Planning, Design & Construction/University Architect
Phone: (719) 255-3588
Sandy Berry-Lowe | Faculty/LAS-Biology, Associate Professor |
Anthony Cordova | Staff/Director, Mosaic & Gateway Program |
Jeff Foster | Staff/Associate Director, University Advancement |
Kevin Gilford | Staff/Asst. Director, Sustainability Office |
John Harner | Faculty/LAS-GES |
Steve Jennings | Faculty/LAS-GES |
Linda Kogan | Staff/Director, Sustainability Office |
Michael Larkin | Faculty/LAS-GES |
Jim Spice | Staff/Executive Director, Parking & Transportation |
Rob McGann | Staff/Supervisor, Outdoor Services |
Dan Lykins | Faculty/Biology, Instructor |
Judith Rice Jones | University Retiree |